Institute of the Arts, Barcelona.
Content: The Institute of the Arts Barcelona (IAB) is very pleased to invite students, colleagues, and interested people to the event “Looking for Manifestoes”. The purpose of the event is to give a direct voice to guest international artists who want to share openly their vision in the fields of performing arts, theatre, dance, performance, visual arts, and literature. Thought as an open debate on one of the most relevant topics in nowadays artistic environment and industry, the event is also an opportunity for a Q&A session with audience in Zoom and on social media and for interaction with international artists.
Moderators: Alessandra Troncone (Academy of Fine Arts in Naples and Artistic Director at Underneath the Arches) and Armando Rotondi (Institute of the Arts Barcelona and Co-director of Mise en Abyme).
Organised by the Institute of the Arts Barcelona together with Mise en Abyme – International Journal of Comparative Literature and Arts, Underneath the Arches, IDEA publishing. As a part of the IAB Webinar series on “Digital (Emergency and Performance)”.
On the occasion of the publication of the volume: Troncone A. ed. (2020), Looking for Manifestoes, Mise en Abyme. International Journal of Comparative Literature and Arts, Vol. VII, Issue 2, 2020, ISBN: 9791280081018.
Registration to the event (free):
Participation to the event is free with previous registration via Stack form for Zoom participants. Once registered, you will receive a notification with the Zoom invitation to the event.
Note for Zoom audience: only moderators and guest artists will have video and microphone on; Zoom audience will have video and mic deactivated, having the possibility to ask questions via chat. Questions will be collected by the moderators.