This project proposes a new framework and a model storage in form of an open access repository on line for those theatre productions that have technological components. The case studies is the Giacomo Verde’s archive, which is representative of Italian Video Theatre Movement (1980-1995); scholars from 2 Universities (UniMi,UniLink) and one fro CNR-ISTI are involved in the different steps of the work: selection, digitization, archiving, metadating, re-enactment. The project is split in two interrelated and parallel paths: 1.a theoretical one, where a series of artworks’ documentation will be selected and analyzed 2. a practice-based research path, focused on the development of a on line repository for data sets, gathering and storing the metadata. Primarily is the process of identifying a cataloguing methodology, a taxonomy for organizing findings and relative protocols, and models of digitization suitable to the inherent complexity of video works.
The videomaker Giacomo Verde pioneer of the video art and activist who explored in early 80’s the use of video in theatre, will be treated as case study; his fund consists of a large photographic collection, a vaste catalogue of technical drawings and notebooks yet unpublished, and over 600 cassettes and approximately 1200 hours of video recordings. This material has been considered of “National Interest” by MIBACT. In light of this, we need a radical rethinking of the archive itself aimed to two different but interconnected uses: the first one consists of a creation of a repository on line of thematic paths for didactic and research purposes; the second one is a creative and alternative datasets’ exploration in form as an immersive and participatory environment in a sort of “social remapping”.
We adopt open softwares and web applications either for processing large data sets and for explaining the key steps which have defined the evolution of the video-performance. They are Rekall and MemoRekall designed by Clarisse Bardiot (Université Rennes. Our approach is ‘user experience oriented” also, and the final result is a virtual responsive environment; we want to disassemble and mobilise the documents into new compositions in a new inherently interactive experience to open up to a “living” and “reinvented” archive, capable of reactivating memory, archive and political awareness.
Tipologia: PRIN 2022
PI: Anna Maria Monteverdi (Università Statale-Milano)
Desirèe Sabatini (UniLink Campus Roma)
Massimo Magrini (CNR PISA)
Durata del progetto: 24 mesi
Partnership: Mediateca Regionale Liguria-Comune della Spezia; Archivio Giacomo Verde; Fondazione Ragghianti (in corso di definizione).